Resource for academic research includes scholarly journals and selected general interest titles in a wide variety of subjects.
Full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted website
Provides access to business and technical publications in the computer, electronics, and telecommunications industries.
Full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a variety of personal health information sources.
Spanish interface provides access to Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals both from and about Latin America.
This full-text newspaper database has several New York Newspapers including the New York Times from 1995 on, and over 1,000 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers.
Facts and arguments on current events topics and social issues.
A subset of Gale OneFile: News, this database includes articles from newspapers from around New York State including: Glens Falls Post-Star, New York Times, New York Post, Buffalo News, and Newsday.
An online research tool to track your sources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, and format and print your bibliography.
Provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics showing how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues, from weather patterns to obesity.
Reference articles, text-to-speech capabilities, learning and life skills activities, research tools, multimedia, and interactive video on curriculum-related topics and subjects.