ABC-CLIO Databases

ABC-CLIO United States Geography

Access World News

America's Historical Newspapers 1690-2000

American Government

American History

Books & Authors


Britannica Academic

Britannica Escolar

Britannica School

Business Insights: Essentials


ELL Edition


FactCite: US & World Biographies

Foundations A-Z

Gale Academic OneFile Select with Subject Collections

Gale Academic OneFile with Subject Collections

Gale Databases

Gale Ebooks

Gale General OneFile with Subject Collections

Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale in Context: Middle School

Gale OneFile: Computer Science

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine

Gale OneFile: Informe Académico

Gale OneFile: News

Gale PowerSearch

Gale: Opposing Viewpoints

Generation Genius

GoGo Library

Health and Wellness Resource Center

Health Source

Middle Search Plus

New York Times

Newsela ELA

Newspaper Source

Noodle Tools

Novelist K-8 Plus

PK Earth and Space

PK Life Science

PK Physical Science

RAZ Kids


Reading A-Z


Rosen Learning Center

Scholastic Go


Swank K-12 Streaming

Teaching Books

Teen Health and Wellness


Vocabulary A-Z

World at War