Pop Culture

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Pop Culture

Gale Databases

Scroll down and choose Gale eBooks from the product menu. Under Browse Collections on the right, click on History and then scroll down and click on Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th- and 21st-Century America, 2nd edition. It is a print reference book available online. It has 6 volumes and the information is organized by decades and categories. The best way to browse is by using it as you would a print source: In volume 1, you are able to browse all entries included in the reference book by clicking on either Entries by Alphabetical Order or Entries by Topic Category. The numbers after the entry name tell the volume and the page numbers in that volume for the entry so that you can find it. Or, if you find something that interests you, go back to the Table of Contents page (click on the title, Bowling, Beatniks … at the top of the page) and use the search box on the top right that says, “search within publication” and search for that entry. If you are interested in a particular decade, choose the volume from the drop down menu that includes the decade you are interested in and click on the category that interests you. Read the introduction to the category for that decade, and scroll down to see elements of pop culture to choose from. Use the index by clicking on Book Index Click on a letter that a category or general keyword begins with to go to that section of the index. See entries under that category/keyword. Click on the link to an entry to view it. Or search the index by typing a category or general keyword. As mentioned, you may search this reference book as you would a database, but make sure you are at the Table of Contents page (click on the title, Bowling, Beatniks … at the top of the page) , and use the search box on the top right that says, “search within publication”. The search box at the top searches all reference books in the database this reference book contains.

Pop Culture Universe

Its content is organized by decades and then categories. Click on a decade to view the content Read the Overview to get an idea of a decade On the left, click on subcategories under main categories to get an idea of the pop culture of that decade. Links in the articles take you to articles on elements of pop culture or definitions Click on Topic Library at the bottom of the list of categories/subcategories to view elements of pop culture during that decade Or type a general keyword (food, sports, fashion, movies) in the search box and click on the search button. See results for elements of pop culture to research. Browse and read about elements of pop culture. For each, notice why it lasted, why it didn’t, how it represents a decade or time period, how it has changed etc. Choose 3 elements of pop culture you would be interested in researching. Remember you are not choosing a category like food, music or fashion to research, you are choosing a specific element of pop culture to research like Starbucks, jeans, T-shirts, Crocs.

Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies

This database includes articles from magazines, newspapers and books; and videos and audio Try combining words, example: coke and symbol as a basic search or choose entire document from the drop-down menu in the search box Magazine articles will be listed first. Click on other types of sources under Content Types on the right Save to Google Drive as you did when using Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms.

Gale in Context: Middle School

This database includes articles from reference sources, magazines, and newspapers Search all content: reference sources, magazines, news *notice heading for type of source Try combining keywords to make your search more exact : Example: MTV and influence Try an Advanced Search Click on Advanced Search to the right of the search box Type a word to search in at least 2 search boxes and choose entire document from the drop-down menu