Explore Databases


The world’s easiest way to keep track of all the books you read. Connect to your library’s reading programs, so you’ll get credit for every minute and every page.

Britannica Fundamentals

Articles, games and interactive activities for K-2 students.

EBSCO Primary Search on Explora

Primary resources using an a traditional text interface.

Gale In Context: Elementary

Formerly Kids InfoBits A general reference resource for primary and elementary.

Mackin Via

A collection of Mackin Ebooks available from the GVEP Media Library.


Curricular content for K-3 students with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy support.

PebbleGo Animals

Research information that supports animal classification, behaviors and habitats.

PebbleGo Biographies

Research information on the lives of important inventors, explorers, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women and more.

PebbleGo Health

Information on body systems, safety, self-awareness, relationships, and more.

PebbleGo Science

Research information that supports Earth Science, seasons, weather, and space.

PebbleGo Social Studies

Research information about the world around you including families, maps and holidays.

Spotlight on Social and Emotional Learning

Grades 3-7 Interactive ebooks teach self-awareness to promote healthy responses to emotions